Teaching Assistant of Software Engineering (CS304)
Undergraduate course, SUSTech, CSE department, 2022
I am the TA of the course Software Engineering lectured by Prof. Shin Hwei Tan.
Undergraduate course, SUSTech, CSE department, 2022
I am the TA of the course Software Engineering lectured by Prof. Shin Hwei Tan.
Undergraduate course, SUSTech, CSE department, 2022
I am the TA of lab course lectured by Prof. Yepang Liu.
Undergraduate course, SUSTech, CSE department, 2021
I was TA of lab course lectured by Prof. Yepang Liu.
Undergraduate course, SUSTech, CSE department, 2020
I am the TA of the course Digital Design at SUSTech (more precisely, students at SUSTech like me are called student assistant).